Jan 1, 2024 · 1 min read

I implemented a 3-stage pipelined RISC-V CPU with the Verilog HDL which is tested an AMD Xilinx PYNQ-Z1 board with a core clock frequency of 75MHz.

FPGA Layout

The CPU supports the RV32I ISA as well as a subset of CSR instructions. The modifications made to the CPU that is different from the CS61CPU project are:

  1. It is a synchronous-memory CPU, which means that the CPU has to prefetch instruction during the IF stage.
  2. It includes a bunch of IO-mapped memory addresses that can be used to detect button presses, control LEDs, and control the audio output.
  3. It includes an memory-mapped UART module that can be used to communicate with the host computer. A simple BIOS program provided by the class can be used to communicate with the host computer and write programs to the memory. Then the CPU can execute the program.
  4. It includes an always-taken branch predictor.